We stayed the night at the Beaver Lodge and were greeted in the morning by our gracious host with breakfast. After breakfast and a picture we began to make our way to Sandpoint, Idaho. Knowing that today would be our first over 100 mile day we all were hoping for lots of flat. We were not let down. We formed a great paceline into the headwind and hauled our way onto lunch stop. At lunch we received a call from our host in Sandpoint telling us that we needed to leave the Adventure Cycling route and hop onto highway 2. That it was a far superior route and had just been certified by a cycling group as the best route. It was none of the above. It was a road that was over inhabited by 18 wheel logging trucks going 60 mph two feet to our left. To say the least, it was brutal. Somehow we survived the highway with a mere 3 flat tires and rolled into the Sandpoint Athletic Club. We unpacked all our stuff and moved into the squash courts where we were to sleep. Later that night we were graciously hosted for a spaghetti dinner where we were able to connect with many veterans and to hear their stories. After a wonderful dinner we made it back to our home sweet squash court where we all received a complimentary massage then almost immediately went to sleep. We learned a few things, 1. To always follow our maps and 2. How to quickly change a flat using CO2.