Throughout the whole day we knew that at some point the wind was likely to change; we just weren’t really sure when. After so much time fighting the headwind, I was pretty used to it and part of me believed the vengeful wind was here to stay. Thankfully I was wrong. About 70 miles into our 107 mile day the wind finally switched. I had forgotten how nice a tailwind is. It felt like we were flying. Before we had to hold a tight line and the lead had to sprint to hold 18. After we got our wind we biked out of formation and joked around, but still were easily doing 20. It felt like a miracle, and everyone was in a much better mood.
Around this time I was in such a good mood I decided it was time to take the jersey off. I think at the time I thought it would be a great way to tan and cool off. I definitely thought I looked cool too. Unfortunately, I don’t tan, it barely cooled me off, and I don’t think it’s possible to look cool in only a biking bib. In fact, I don’t tan to such an extent that I’m really regretting my decision.